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Need help logging into Teamopolis Leagues?
If you are having troubles logging into Teamopolis Leagues, here are a couple of things to consider:

I do not not have a login and password

If you do not have a login and password, there are two ways you can obtain a login and password:

1. Sign-up directly on your League's web site
Visit your league's site, and click the Sign-Up link at the top right side of ths page to register.

Once you have completed your registration, you will receive a confirmation e-mail detailing your login and password.

** Remember it is important that you sign-up for an account when you are viewing a league page, so your account know what league you are joining.

2. receive an e-mail invitation from your league or team administrator

When setting up the teams, administrators can invite players to join their league/team. If you received an e-mail detailing information about how to sign-up, simply follow the instructions to create your own account.

I already have a login and password
  1. I have forgotten my password
    If you have forgotten your login or password, you can request to change it. Click here to change your password.

  2. Nothing seems to work
    If you have tried to log in without any success, please contact us, and we can help.
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